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Class 3

Class 3

Year Group: Year 3 

Teachers: Miss Wray

Teaching Assistants: Ms Frost, Mrs Jones



In Class 3 we love reading all sorts of books. 

We expect all children to read to an adult at home on a daily basis and for an adult to sign the reading record 3 times a week.

All children are given a book from school to read.  These are taken from a collection of books we call Big School Books.  They are colour banded and each band has a range of genres.  This means that children read a wide range of texts and can then make more informed choices when they visit the school library or even their local library. 

We have daily whole class reading sessions. Within these sessions we focus on developing reading fluency and comprehension through a range of activities including questioning and discussion opportunities.

In class we read and listen to a range of texts for pleasure and these have included ‘Esio Trot’ by Roald Dahl, ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd and ‘The Enchanted Wood’ by Enid Blyton.  These books are a great springboard for children to engage with other titles by the same authors.



We use a range of texts through which we teach our literacy objectives.  These include longer chapter books, short stories, poems and film. They include a range of fiction and non-fiction text types.

Spelling homework is given out weekly and spellings are put onto Ed Shed as a spelling assignment. 

Each child has their own Ed Shed login to access this. The children are then tested on these words at the end of the week. We also revisit the common exception words for Year 3 and Year 4 throughout the year.

Children are expected to develop and refine their cursive handwriting style, ensuring that letters are joined correctly and that they are of a consistent size.



In maths there is a real focus on times tables and mental maths strategies such as number bonds to 10 and 20 and applying this knowledge to bonds to 100 and beyond as these underpin most of our learning.  By the end of Year 3 all children should know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables, including those tricky division facts.  By the end of Year 4 all children should know all of their times tables to 12x12, including the division facts.  To help the children they all have an account for Times Tables Rock Stars that they can use at home.  A great website to use is Hit The Button and the children love it! We also encourage them to learn by singing and chanting their times tables.



In science this year we have followed the rolling program and studied plants, forces and friction and states of matter.  The children are encouraged to ask questions and to suggest ways of finding answers in a range of ways, including research using secondary sources, observation, taking measurements and conducting investigations.  They also predict what might happen and draw conclusions from their findings.


Foundation Subjects

In Class 3, we also teach RE, French, Music, Jigsaw (PSHE), Geography, History, Art and DT following the rolling program.

Children have PE lessons twice weekly as physical activity is important for physical and mental well-being.  Over the course of the year all children have the opportunity to participate in Forest School.

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