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Class 5



Class 5

Year Groups:  5/6

Teachers: Mrs Nevinson and Mrs Mallett

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Sanders


Reading is a vital part of all children’s development.  Children in Class 5 should be reading for approximately 20-30 minutes every day and we model this by beginning our mornings with whole class reading sessioms. Each child has a Reading Diary in which they should record every time they do this and this diary is checked once a week by a member of staff in Class 5.

We aim to encourage a real love of reading within all our children, through sharing book recommendations and whole class reads that challenge our children whilst opening them up to new authors. For ideas of good books for your child to read, we would recommend Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine.  Year 5  Year 6

We have daily whole class reading sessions. Within these sessions we focus on developing reading fluency and comprehension through a range of activities including questioning and discussion opportunities.


In Literacy, We explore a wide variety of styles of writing each term, inspired by great novels, developing new vocabulary and helping to build writers of our future. The sort of texts we will use include adaptations of Hamlet and original stories such as Cosmic.  Examples of short films our units may be based on include The Gift of Joy, actually originally a Cadbury’s advert, and Chaperon Rouge, a French interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood.

It is important that pupils in Class 5 write in cursive handwriting with fluid joins.  There will be sessions on this in school and children should be taking every opportunity to practise this across the curriculum.  In addition, it is vital that children learn to spell a variety of different words.  Spelling homework will form the bulk of this learning, with a test each week.  Pupils will also have access to an online platform, Spelling Shed, to increase their opportunities to practice. 


We will teach across the full range of mathematical subject areas over the course of the year.  We work hard on improving our arithmetic skills (both mental and written) through daily 10-minute sessions and regular mental challenges. By Year 5 and Year 6, children should have a secure knowledge of their times tables and division facts but we provide access to TT Rockstars for further practise of this. 


In Class 5, our Science topics will include Electricity, Light, Evolution & Inheritance, Earth in Space, Animals & Humans and Living things and their habitats.  We develop our scientific thinking through regular investigations and scientific discussions.  This will include asking questions, developing hypotheses, ensuring tests take account of factors that may affect the end result, analysing results and drawing conclusions. 


Foundation Subjects

In Class 5, we also teach RE, French, Music, PSHE (Personal, social, health and emotional learning), Geography, History, Art & DT.  Children have PE twice weekly as physical activity is important for physical and mental wellbeing.  Over the course of the year, all children also have the opportunity to participate in Forest School. 









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