Class 2
Class 2
Year Groups: Year 1 and Year 2
Teacher: Mrs Joanna Bulter
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Attwood Groves.
In Year 1 we teach Phonics through Little Wandle.The sounds we learn each week are directly linked to our home and Guided Reading books and phonics flashcards are attached to bookbags for children to practice at home. In Year 2 our books are colour banded and we have a range of genres to choose from in each colour. We expect all children to read to an adult at home every day and for the children’s reading records to be signed each day. Even just one page each day makes all the difference! Children are also given a reading bookmark to take home with a set of comprehension questions about the books that they read. Children have lots of opportunities throughout the week to read with an adult. This includes Guided Reading and individual reading with an adult. During these lessons, children enjoy discussing their texts with peers. In Class 2 we enjoy reading lots of different types of books. This year we have read lots of books in class for pleasure, including: ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen, ‘Mog the Forgetful Cat’ by Judith Kerr and ‘Winnie’s Flying Carpet’ by Valerie Thomas. It has been great to see children reading other books by these authors.
Across the year we use a variety of texts to support our Literacy lessons. These include fiction, non-fiction, poetry and film. Spellings are set weekly and are taught in class. Each child also has an EdShed login where they can practice spellings. The children then complete a spelling test each Friday.
In Class 2, children consolidate their cursive handwriting. This is something that we develop across the year, ensuring that ascenders and descenders are remembered and that letters are the correct size in relation to one another.
Children are taught to enhance skills previously taught in maths so that they are more confident learners when approaching new concepts. Our focuses include number bonds to 10 and 20, understanding hundreds, tens and ones and counting in 2s 5s and 10s. By the end of Year 2, children should be able to recall their 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables. Each child has a Times Tables Rock Stars login to practice these at home. Another website where the children enjoy practicing their mathematical skills is Hit the Button.
We follow a rolling programme in Science to ensure that children are taught all curriculum objectives during their time at school. This year, we have looking at living things and their habitats, light and shadows and animals including humans. Children are encouraged to predict, ask thoughtful questions and enjoy carrying out investigations to learn more about the world around them.
Foundation Subjects
In Class 2, we also teach History, Geography, Jigsaw (PSHE), PE, Music, RE, French, Art and DT. This is also taught through a rolling programme to ensure coverage of our curriculum objectives. Each class has the opportunity to complete a half term of Forest School and PE is taught twice a week. Exercise is so important to support our physical and mental health and the children enjoy working co-operatively with their peers.